Wireless Safety for Kids

By Deb Mayer, Jan 7, 2019 | Original Parents Across America Oregon article here.

During the summer of 2018 a group of Oregonians coalesced around the idea that too much use of wirelessly connected cell phones, tablets, and laptops is having adverse effects on children. Fiber optic and Ethernet connections to these devices is far superior:

Awarness of an escalating incidence of the following prompted them into take action:

  • Eye ailments
  • Headaches
  • ADHD
  • Behavioral problems
  • Other health problems

After considerable research and consultation with experts and policy makers, the group drafted three bills addressing the problems of unfettered use of wireless devices.

The legislative initiatives center around three imperatives:

  1. Warning labels on wireless products

  2. Time limits on wireless devices in classrooms

  3. Exposing and addressing the harmful health effects of pulsed, data-modulated, Radio-frequency Electromagnetic Microwave Radiation (RF-EMR) radiation especially on children at school.

These legislative initiatives were introduced during the intersession and will be given a first reading in the 2019 Oregon legislative session (SB = Senate Bill; LC = Legislative Concept)

  • SB.291/LC-1412 — Warning labels on wireless products

  • SB.282/LC-1413 — Limiting use of wireless devices and infrastructure in classrooms snf on school campuses

  • SB.283/LC-1214 — Radio-frequency Electromagnetic Microwave Radiation (RF-EMR) exposures in schools

All three bills are sponsored by Oregon State Senator Laurie Monnes Anderson. Oregon State Representative Alissa Keny-Guyer signed on as chief sponsor in the House for the labeling and Wi-Fi bills, Representative Tawna Sanchez is chief sponsor on limiting screen time in classrooms.

Read the text of each bill, by clicking on the links above.