
The following form will collect opinions and questions from Danville residents to be answered by the City of Danville, Verizon or Verizon’s subcontractors — the parties responsible for the projects to install 4G/5G Close Proximity Microwave Radiation Antennas (CPMRA) on utility poles and other street furniture in Danville’s residential zones.

Your survey results, comments and questions will be entered into the City of Danville public record.

Complete this Form, Ask a Question and/or Enter a Comment

1. Do you oppose so-called "Small Cell" cell towers that are being installed in residential zones?(required)

2. Would you prefer Fiber Optic Wireline Internet/Television/Video service to your home (1,000 Mbps down for $40 a month with no data caps) vs. Wireless Internet/Television/Video Service (1,000 Mbps down for $60 a month with data caps)(required)

3. Would you support a City of Danville Municipal Code Ordinance that required all cell phone towers to be installed only in commercial/industrial zones?(required)