Cell Tower Specifications are being gathered from the City of Santa Rosa and will be published here.
What is the transmit radius of the antenna at each Verizon cell site that is 15–50 feet from your home in Santa Rosa?
Short Answer: estimated at 1.5–3 miles . . . with RF Microwave radiation transmitting through your home (and you!) on the way . . . 24/7/365 for as long as you live there.
>>> On 3/2/18 Shannon Champion, Verizon Wireless Pacific Market General Counsel, wrote: "Verizon is determined to continue to make accurate information available regarding our Santa Rosa neighborhood installations." We appreciate accurate and complete information and are seeking accurate and complete answers to the following questions: What is the radius of the circular RF Microwave radiation region from these Amphenol omnidirectional antennas at two elevations — at antenna height and at ground — from the source antenna to where the RF Microwave radiation signal degrades to -105 dBm at the following antenna power levels: at 100% (2,200 Watts), at 75% (1,650 Watts), at 50% (1,100 Watts), at 25% (550 Watts) and at at 10% (220 Watts)— at 20 feet to 2,000 feet in 20-foot increments? Will William Hammett, from Hammett & Edison please base his answers on actual RF Microwave radiation measurements of both peak and average RF Microwave radiation exposures from the actual Amphenol antennas being installed in Santa Rosa, and not just on theoretical values that are based only on average RF Microwave radiation exposures generated by Hammett’s proprietary spreadsheet calculations — which has been his modus operandi in many other communities, including Palo Alto, Monterey, Piedmont and others. As one can read here, we went head-to-head with William Hammet in Palo Alto: the peak RF Microwave radiation readings from 4G/5G so-called "Small Cell" cell towers installed in downtown Palo Alto are 100x to 1000x higher than the average RF Microwave radiation readings provided by Hammett. How can we best achieve a balancing of Verizon’s commercial goals with the City of Santa Rosa City Council’s constitutional duty to protect residents’ safety and privacy by ensuring that RF Microwave radiation exposures in residential zones do not exceed a level that provides five bars on a cell phone, which is -75 dBM? Powered by two Ericcson RRUS 32/72 Radios + one Ericcson RRUS 11/61 Radio Powered by twoEriccson RRUS 32/72 Radios + one Ericcson RRUS 11/61 Radio Note: We received from Verizon the data sheet/specs for the Ericcson radios on late Fri 2/23/18. All Verizon cell sites are equipped with Think of a home theater/stereo set up: the stereo receiver provides the variable power to the speakers. You can turn the volume up or down to suit the need (soothing dinner music or loud dance music). The higher the power, the louder the music and the farther away neighbors can hear it. Similarly, the Ericcson Remote Radio Units provides the variable power to the Amphenol antennas. The higher the power, the more intense the pulsed, data-modulated, RadioFrequency Microwave radiation and the farther away it will be transmitted. The difference is that you can turn off your stereo at night to achieve the auditory quiet you need for sleep. Unless properly regulated by the City of Santa Rosa, you will never be able to to turn off the cell tower next to your house — it will blast away at full-power 24/7/365 so you will not be able achieve the electromagnetic quiet your brains need in order to produce melatonin and full restful, healing sleep states — one of the many immediate, measuable biological effects of being forced to live near a cell tower. For both antennas, the input power is (2 connectors × 500 W) + (4 connectors x 300 W) = 2,200 Watts, but the antenna gains are different between the 48 in. and 24 in. antennas. Note: From Kevin Hietpas, Amphenol Product Support (815-381-7817), a 3 dBi antenna gain difference means double the power output and twice the transmission distance. Estimating 6 mile transmission radius (12 mile diameter, 113 square mile area) Estimating 3 mile transmission radius (6 mile diameter, 28 square mile area) Scientists For Wired Technology’s first information request was about week after the devastating 10/8/17 Santa Rosa fires — after we learned that 77 cell towers failed in the first hours of the Oct 2017 fires in northern Camclifornia. On 10/17/17 @ 10:46 am, Jill Scott emailed to member of the public; cc: Gabe Osburn, Sandi Bliss Below is a list of [12] Macro cell tower sites that exist on City [of Santa Rosa] owned properties, that you have requested. Someone else will follow up with [so-called] "Small Cell" [cell phone tower] sites, shortly. I wanted to clarify that these are cell sites on City Property. If you wanted all cell sites in the City, you would need to contact the individual providers for that information.
Jill Scott | Real Property Manager Note: No one else from the City of Santa Rosa “followed up with [so-called] "Small Cell" [cell phone tower] sites, shortly.” In fact, it took a California public records request to get the City of Santa Rosa to respond with any accurate, substantial information about these 4G/5G so-called “Small Cell” cell phone towers planned for Santa Rosa’s residential zones. Verizon Wireless and the installers of these 4G/5G so-called “Small Cell” cell phone towers in Santa Rosa’s residential zones: Nexius, Velex and Phase 3 Communications. I received some information from Brett Windham from Nexius on 1/31/18 regarding 4G/5G so-called “Small Cell” cell phone towers installed in front of 721 Link Lane in Santa Rosa.Comment:
Effective Radiated Power Calculations at — 100% | 75% | 50% | 25% | 10% — Antenna Input Power . . . Coming
Effective Radiated Power Calculations at — 100% | 75% | 50% | 25% | 10% — Radio Output Power . . . Coming
Input Power = (2 x 500W) + (4 x 300W) = 2,200 Watts
Input Power = (2 x 500W) + (4 x 300W) = 2,200 Watts
Output Power = 4 x 40W = 160 Watts
Output Power = 2 x 40W = 80 Watts
Amphenol Antenna & Ericcson Radio Specs
Power Input/Output
Amphenol CUUT360X12: Antenna gain (48" tall)
Amphenol CUUT360X06 Antenna gain (24" tall)
Santa Rosa’s Cell Tower Plans
Macro Cell Phone Towers on City of Santa Rosa owned properties:
AT&T (3)
New Cellular Wireless (1)
T-Mobile (6)
Verizon (2)
Santa Rosa Water | 35 Stony Point Rd | Santa Rosa, CA 95401
Work (707) 543-4246 | Cell (707) 339-1526 | jscott@srcity.orgSo-Called “Small Cell” Cell Phone Towers in Santa Rosa’s Public Rights of Way:
Information received from Nexius on 1/31/18:
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