By Karl Bode, Feb 5 2019 | Original Motherboard article here.
The revolving door spins yet again as consumer ally quickly shifts to lobbying for Big Wireless firm, T-Mobile.
Yet another FCC Commissioner has quickly pivoted from representing the public to lobbying on behalf of big telecom.
Recently-departed Democratic FCC Commissioner Mignon Clyburn has been a staunch defender of net neutrality. She also worked extensively at reforming a broken prison telco monopoly that has historically resulted in inmates and their families being ripped off by a rotating crop of often ethically dubious companies.
But a new Politico report states that Clyburn has been hired by T-Mobile to help gain regulatory approval for the company’s $26 billion merger with Sprint, putting the former commissioner on a collision course with consumer groups that have historically seen Clyburn as an ally.
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