IRREGULATORS vs. FCC: Exposing One of the Largest Accounting Scandals in American History

Adappted from an article by Bruce Kushnick, Apr 8, 2019 | Original Medium article here. The IRREGULATORS are appealing a recent FCC decision that tries to fix one of the largest accounting scandals in American history. It is directly tied to AT&T, Verizon and CenturyLink’s State Public Telecom Utliity companies. Click to Read the Details …

If We Are Going to Break Up Big Tech, Do Not Forget Big Telecom

Senator Elizabeth Warren proposed breaking up tech giants Facebook, Google, and Amazon on Friday—but big telecom is in dire need of the same treatment. by Karl Bode, Mar 8 2019 | Original Motherboard article here. On March 8, Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren proposed breaking up Google, Amazon, and Facebook in a bid to crack down …

2019 Maryland HB.654 Wireless Facilities

Emails about this Small Cell Deployment bill should be sent to the following Committee Members: Economic Matters Committee Benjamin Brooks Brian M. Crosby C. T. Wilson Cheryl D. Glenn Christopher T. Adams Courtney Watson Dereck E. Davis (Chair) Diana M. Fennell Eric M. Bromwell (Vice Chair) …

American Telecom Companies Are Letting Their Phone Networks Fall Apart

Limited oversight, no competition, and state corruption aren’t a recipe for broadband success. by Karl Bode Jan 10, 2018 | Original Motherboard article here. Once as important as the American railroad and electrical grid, American phone companies aren’t quite what they used to be. With the use of copper-based landlines having plummeted the last few …

Cece Doucette Primer

The Dangers of Wireless Technology James Perloff: Cece, I’m so delighted to have a chance to interview you. I should probably start by letting my readers know how I found out about you. The local paper in my town (Burlington, Mass.) had reported that Verizon was planning to build seven new wireless transmitters on utility …

Derrick Broze Primer

The 5G Trojan Horse (Documentary) Derrick Broze on The Isiah Factor Uncensored Visit the Conscious Resistance web site Oct 9, 2018 — Derrick Broze Educates Houston City Council on 5G Tech #1 Oct 23, 2018 — Derrick Broze Educates City of Houston on 5G Tech #2 Nov 14, 2018 — Derrick Broze Educates Houston City …