Protests Against 5G Wireless Technology in Switzerland Due to Immediate Health Impacts

By Health Impact News October 10, 2019 | Original Global Research article here.

If you want to get an idea of what will happen in the U.S. when the telecom companies start rolling out 5G networks with new towers in your local neighborhood, take a look at what is happening in Switzerland today, where 90% of the population is now exposed to the new 5G networks.

People are getting sick, and they are marching in the streets to show their opposition to the new networks.


As Yahoo News reports on September 21, 2019:

People take part to a nationwide protest against the 5G technology and 5G-compatible antennae deployment in front of the Swiss house of Parliament in Bern, on September 21, 2019.

Thousands of people protested in the Swiss capital Bern Saturday over the roll-out of a 5G wireless technology across the country, which they fear could damage people’s health. The protesters, many carrying placards, gathered in front of the Swiss parliament building, in a bid to stop the construction of more 5G-compatible antennas.

"The fact that so many people turned out today is a strong sign against the uncontrolled introduction of 5G," said Tamlin Schibler Ulmann, co-president of Frequencia, the group that organized the rally.

The tiny principality of Monaco became the first country in Europe to inaugurate a 5G mobile phone network in July based on technology from Chinese firm Huawei, which is seen by the US as a major security risk. But critics in Switzerland argue that the electromagnetic radiation the new system emits poses unprecedented health and environmental risks compared to previous generations of mobile technology.

Online petitions have helped persuade several Swiss cantons — in Geneva, Vaud, Fribourg and Neuchatel — to postpone the construction of antennae as a precaution. The Swiss Federation of Doctors (FMH) has also argued for a cautious approach to the new technology.

Opponents of the new technology are trying to gather the 100,000 signatures they need to force a referendum on imposing a moratorium on the technology until its risks can be properly assessed. In February, Switzerland attributed 5G frequencies to three major operators, Swisscom, Sunrise and Salt, and the operators have been pushing the cutting-edge technology in television advertisements and on billboards.

By early July, 334 Close Proximity Microwave Radiation Antennas (CPMRA) Wireless Telecommunications Facilities (WTFs) for 5G were operational across the country, authorities have told AFP. There are several studies on the health impacts of the new technology underway, including one by the World Health Organization, which has told AFP it had begun "conducting a risk assessment of health outcomes from radio-frequency fields exposure".

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FCC Officially Returns Rules Allowing Small Cell Historical, Environmental Site Reviews

By John Eggerton Oct 9, 2019 | Broadcasting cable article here

The DC Court of Appeals had vacated that portion of FCC’s deregulatory order, 18-30.

The FCC has officially rescinded the portion of its rules that exempted certain wireless facilities deployments from local environmental and historic preservation reviews.

That came in an order from the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau, which indicated there had been no need to put the order out for public notice and comment since it was simply implementing a court mandate from which the FCC had no discretion to deviate.

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Podcast: Why IRREGULATORS v FCC is Critical

Adapted from an article by Bruce Kushnick, Oct 8, 2019 | Original Medium article here.


Link to the Podcast audio files — hear directly from the experts and lawyers behind Case 19-1085: IRREGULATORS v FCC — a critcally important case about FCC accounting negligience that is proceeding in the DC Circuit Court of Appeals.

On October 3rd, 2019, the IRREGULATORS discussed why Case 1085, IRREGULATORS v FCC, is critical for America’s communications future:

  • Solving Net Neutrality and the Digital Divide,
  • Lowering Intrastate Telecommunications prices
  • Encouraging real competition in Broadband

NOTE: The IRREGULATORS response to the FCC is due October 10th, 2019.

The IRREGULATORS is an independent consortium of senior telecom experts, analysts, forensic auditors, and lawyers who are former senior staffers from the FCC, state advocate and Attorneys General Office experts and lawyers, as well as former telco consultants. Members of the group have been working together, in different configurations, since 1999.

In the pocasts, the IRREGULATORS discuss that the current 4G + 5G Wireless Densification scheme is a bait-and-switch. Once the accounting is set straight, the roll-out of densified 4G + 5G so-called "Small Cells" would not be profitable. The case also shows that Big Telecom ‘s overhyped story about "Wining the Race to 5G" is misguided and will do America more harm than good.

  • Link to to Case 1085 summary
  • Link to IRREGULATORS v FCC Briefs and other Case Materials
  • Link to profiles of the IRREGULATORS

Listen to these experts:

  • Mark Cooper, Director of Research, Consumer Federation of America: An overview of the case.
  • W. Scott McCollough, Esq, counsel: The reasons we took the case, the potential legal outcomes, the impacts on the states, as well as Net Neutrality and 5G Wireless.
  • Bruce Kushnick, Executive Director, New Networks Institute: The fiber optic history of broadband and internet in America and the mergers that created AT&T, Verizon and CenturyLink
  • Chuck Sherwood: The impacts on municipalities.

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4G/5G Densification Scheme and Negative Health Consequences

Adapted from an Oct 8, 2019 "Project Censored" article here, by Student Researcher Jamie Wells and Faculty Evaluator Kenn Burrows (SF State).

The prevalence of wireless technologies has spawned a telecommunications revolution that increasingly exposes the public to broader bandwidths and more frequencies (low-band, mid-band and high-band) of pulsed, data-modulated, Radio-frequency Electromagnetic Microwave Radiation (RF-EMR). The Telecom industry is promoting a net addition to the current 3G/4G cellular network by keeping all of this 3G/4G spectrum (700 MHz to 2,100 MHz) and adding huge amounts bandwidth on much broader spectrum (600 Mhz to 90,000 MHz) — and branding all of this as the "Fifth Generation" of Wireless, or simply 5G, which is nothing more than a fuzzy marketing term that actually means "what will come next".

The over-hyped "benefits" of Densified 4G + 5G Wireless Telecommunications Facilities ) are

  • Internet of Things
  • Faster wireless data transmission,
  • amazing new gadgets we can’t yet define
  • A "Jetsons-like" lifestyle that mirrors science fiction.

Densified 4G + 5G Wireless, as the story goes, will require a massive increase in the number of wireless antennas (from about 300,000 in 2019 to 600,000 or more WTFs by 2025, in the US alone), resulting in much higher RF-EMR exposures and increased negative health consequences. The story also says that Close Proximity Microwave Radiation Antennas (CPMRAs), falsely branded as "Small Cells’, will have to be installed every ten or so houses across the country.

Densified 4G+5G Wireless is actually a bait-and-switch and not a solution to close the Digital Divide, as often claimed by the FCC and the Wireless indusry. Densified 4G+5G installations require a fiber optic wire to each cell site with an allegedly short range of a block or two, yet this is even contradicted by Verizon itself:

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Beverly Hills City Council Discuses Health Hazards of 4G/5G Wireless Networks

by Dafna Tachover, October 3, 2019| Original Beverly Hills Weekly article here, on p. 2.

I was invited to give a short presentation on 5G and Wireless Technology health effects to the Beverly Hill’s City Council. 70 years of science, including thousands of studies showing clear evidence of harm, the human evidence and the evidence of fraud, cannot be conveyed in 15 minutes. As an experienced telecommunication and computers’ officer who understands the technology, as an attorney trained to evaluate evidence, and has actually litigated this issue in the Israeli Supreme Court, and as an advocate who is working daily with adults and many children who have become sick, there is no doubt — the evidence of negative health consequences from wireless technology, including from cell phones, Wi-Fi, wireless “smart” utility meters and cell towers is conclusive.

Nothing has changed in our way of life in the past 35 years as drastically as the adoption of wireless technology. Adverse changes in human, animal, and plant health have been occurring dramatically over the same time frame, but the obvious correlation and the evidence have been ignored.

The public is being misled to believe that wireless technology, which emits microwave radiation, is safe and that there is “no evidence” it is harmful. According to the “safety” guidelines adopted by the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) in 1996, Radio and Microwave frequencies used for wireless technology, are harmful only if they create a temperature change in tissue. This is known as the thermal effect. These pulsed, data-modulated, Radio-frequency Electromagnetic Microwave Radiation (RF-EMR) exposure guidelines were already obsolete the day they were adopted. The non-thermal harm is scientifically proven including by studies of the US government.

Most recently, on November 1, 2018, the final report of the Federal Government National Toxicology Program (NTP), the government expert agency on toxins, was published. The $30 million 19-year study found CLEAR EVIDENCE that this radiation causes brain cancer, heart cancer and breaks in DNA. This study confirmed what other studies already showed decades ago including reports and studies by the Navy, Air-Force, NASA, and the EPA which recognized and documented the profound adverse biological effects of wireless technology at levels of RF-EMR exposure well below that which would cause tissue heating.

The NIEHS/NTP study on wireless radiation should have been a game changer and put a halt to further deployment of wireless technology. The NTP scientists said that the public should be informed. Instead, The FCC has been fast-tracking the deployment of densifed 4G + 5G, using Close Proximity Microwave Radiation Antennas (CPMRA) Wireless Telecommunications Facilities (WTFs), which are falsely branded by the Wireless industry as "Small Cells."

Densified 4G + 5G is the infrastructure for the internet of things and is intended to wirelessly connect 20 billion more devices and for that purpose, deploy 800,000 more cell towers and launch 20,000 satellites — all of which will exponentially increase our exposure to this harmful RF-EMR.

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Why The 2017 Net Neutrality Repeal was Upheld by Judges

Judges reluctantly accepted claim that broadband isn’t "telecommunications."

By Jon Brodkin, Oct 2, 2019 | Original Ars Techica article here.

FCC Chairman Ajit Pai drinking from a giant coffee mug in front of an FCC seal.

The Federal Communications Commission has mostly defeated net neutrality supporters in court even though judges expressed skepticism about Chairman Ajit Pai’s justification for repealing net neutrality rules.

One of the three judges who decided the case wrote that the FCC’s justification for reclassifying broadband "is unhinged from the realities of modern broadband service." But all three judges who ruled on the case agreed that they had to leave the net neutrality repeal in place based on US law and a Supreme Court precedent (see ruling).

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Net Neutrality Repeal is Mostly Upheld

By Jon Brodkin, Oct 1, 2019 | Original Ars Technica article here.

. . . but the DC Circuit Court Rejects FCC Attempt to Block State Laws

A federal appeals court today upheld in this ruling that the Federal Communications Commission’s repeal of net neutrality rules but said the FCC cannot preempt all state net neutrality laws.

The judges’ ruling said:

"We uphold the 2018 Order, with two exceptions. First, the Court concludes that the Commission has not shown legal authority to issue its Preemption Directive, which would have barred states from imposing any rule or requirement that the Commission ‘repealed or decided to refrain from imposing’ in the Order or that is ‘more stringent’ than the Order."

The judges wrote that the FCC "ignored binding precedent" when making its preemption order, and "that failure is fatal" to the preemption. The judges then ruled that the FCC can’t preempt all state net neutrality laws in one fell swoop, but the ruling does not prevent the FCC from trying to preempt state laws on a case-by-case basis. Each preemption of a state law must involve "fact-intensive inquiries," so the FCC would have to conduct a preemption analysis of each one.

The judges wrote:

"Without the facts of any alleged conflict [between state and federal rules] before us, we cannot begin to make a conflict-preemption assessment in this case, let alone a categorical determination that any and all forms of state regulation of intrastate broadband would inevitably conflict with the 2018 Order,"

This is a win for California and other states that passed their own net neutrality laws after the FCC repeal. California agreed to delay enforcement of its net neutrality law until after litigation is fully resolved, so the state likely won’t enforce the law just yet.

After the appeals in this case are exhausted, we could see California and other states enforcing net neutrality rules that prohibit Internet service providers from

  • Blocking or throttling lawful Internet traffic and
  • Prioritizing traffic in exchange for payment.

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Stop All Knee-Jerk Reactions to 4G and 5G Densification

Adapted from a David Adams Opinion Piece, Oct 1, 2019 | Original "The Union" OpEd in Nevada City, CA here.

The Union’s editorial board wrote on Sept. 21 to “stop knee-jerk reactions to [4G and] 5G". We need to avoid both pro and con “knee-jerk” reactions. It is clear that four of the five City Council members have not done their homework on the science and legalities concerning this issue.

The Nation magazine published a ground-breaking investigative journalism article in the March 19, 2018 issueHow Big Wireless Made Us Think That Cell Phones Are Safe: A Special Investigation", dealing with disinformation campaign and the massive pulsed, data-modulated, Radio-frequency Electromagnetic Microwave Radiation (RF-EMR) exposure increases — behind the 4G + 5G densification rollout. It shows that the Wireless industry has gone to much expense to cover up and obscure health and safety hazards from RF-EMR expoures from Wireless devices and Wireless infrastructure from the public, media and government for decades.

In fact, tens of thousands of scientific studies documenting serious adverse negative health consequences from RF-EMR exposures have been published worldwide. The U.S. military has used such radiation (particularly 5G millimeter frequencies) as a weapon in the Middle East and elsewhere for “crowd dispersal.” I and other local citizens previously sent information and references for many of these published scientific studies to local government officials as well as to The Union. Yet the City and the Newspaper don’t seem to have properly educated themselves. Now they are trying to impose their opinions on the county. Despite statements from industry-captured agencies like the FCC and FDA, the evidence points clearly to this technology being hazardous.

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Verizon’s Shaky Plans for a 5G World

Adapted from an article by Jon Markman, Sept 29, 2019 | Original The Street article here.

Wireless companies hope to beam into homes multi-gigabit internet speeds without the cost of laying fiber optic cables all the way to the homes. The companies, instead, will stop short at the Utility pole and to attempt to spray pulsed, data-modulated, Radio-frequency Electromagnetic Microwave Radiation (RF-EMR) directly into second and third story windows — from close proximity — 15-50 feet from homes.

Few people want this in their neighborhoods, as shown in the early test market of Sacramento, where Verizon can’t sell their Digital Video service at any price.

Customers could choose install new 5G transceiving antennas to get connections fast enough to stream 4k or even 8K video, competing against cable service, or customers could just not buy the Verizon wireless service and demand that the cell towers be removed from the utility poles in front of their homes.

Fifth-generation wireless, according to Verizon, is going to change American business in ways most people can’t imagine. And the groundwork is being laid right now . . . but that remains to be seen. Verizon is losing in many California cities, has participated in the largest accounting scandal and the FCC has been a serial loser in the Federal Courts of Appeal regarding their misguided 4G/5G densification streamlining orders. Read this intervenor brief from New York City challenging FCC Order 18-133 — the "Streamline Small Cell Deployment Order".

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Amazon Sidewalk — A New Wireless Standard

By Josh Hendrickson, Sept 29, 2019 | Origial How to Geek here.

At Amazon’s annual hardware event, the company revealed a new wireless standard for the Internet of Things and smarthome devices called Sidewalk. Sidewalk promises longer range than Wi-Fi and Bluetooth with lower power usage and complexity than 5G.

What Is Amazon Sidewalk?

Sidewalk is a new wireless standard that Amazon hopes smarthome and other IoT devices will use to communicate instead of Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, 5G, and the many additional standards out there. The problem with existing standards is a question of range, complexity, and power usage.

Most of the current wireless standards don’t broadcast far and are typically confined to your home. Those that can reach far distances are incredibly complex to set up. And power usage, especially with battery-powered devices, is always a concern.

Amazon says Sidewalk solves these problems. By relying on low bandwidth 900 MHz spectrum, it has longer range and better building penetration than Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. And, much like some Wi-Fi devices, Sidewalk forms mesh networks to extend that distance. The 900 MHz also benefits from lower power usage and less complexity from a cellular standard like 5G.

With the Sidewalk standard, Amazon wants to bring your smarthome outside, to the rest of the world.

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