100 Municipalities of Italy are Officially Stopping Densified 4G/5G
by Maurizio Martucci Dec 10, 2019 | Original oasisana English translation here.
A small Italian miracle in defense of public health. Just nine months after the approval of the Vicovaro Resolution in the consensus of the 1st Stop 5G national meeting promoted on 2 March 2019 by the Italian Alliance Stop 5G, today 100 Italian Municipalities are officially stopping densified 4G/5G . Before Vicovaro the void, in the local administrations of the fifth generation wireless tsunami was not discussed at all, completely ignored the risk, while now – less than 300 days from the first historic event – a rising tide of awareness in claiming a right sanctioned in Article 32 of the Constitution, recalling the European precautionary principle, spreads relentlessly from the Valle d’Aosta to Sicily , from the province of Bolzano to that of Caltanissetta and Nuoro , passing through the cities of Rome (Municipio XII), Turin, Catania, Florence and Bologna . And we’re just beginning.
In rapid sequence, measures for the precaution and the moratorium were approved, motions and resolutions of the council and city council, agendas, technical suspensions and regulations with denial to the installation of the Internet of things , amendments with budget allocation for independent scientific research , but above all urgent and contingent ordinances issued by the Mayors as the highest health authority in the territory: in many documents, the Vicovaro Resolution is explicitly mentioned and cited, as well as the hearings in the parliamentary committee of the doctors of ISDE Italia and of the scientists of the Ramazzini Institute. There is a recognition of the immense work done by every member of the alliance that is united in the same direction.
Through the official website, the Italian Alliance Stop 5G announces the complete list of the first 100 municipalities for the prevention of electrosmog damage , a unique result in Europe , achieved thanks to the widespread action carried out by the bottom among the local authorities, from the National Association of Small Italian Municipalities , by knowledgeable citizens, by the countless signatures collected , by joint demonstrations, but also by organizations, committees and independent associations, an extraordinary result achieved above all thanks to the sensitivity and tenacity of courageous, commendable Mayors, town councilors and councilors , majority and opposition, of any party position.
Let me be clear: the partial data of the first 100 is the result of an aggregate based on a heterogeneous and diversified approach, centered on the unanimous denunciation of the risks for the environment and humanity deriving from densfied 4G and 5G. Because every motion has a story of its own, a different procedure from the other, and different content.
There are urgent and contingent union orders, that is the issuing of a decision taken by the first citizen, responsible for the social-health protection in the administered territory . The union ordinance, administrative jurisprudence in hand, is in fact is an instrument capable of stopping 5G. But it must be motivated, well-educated by the technical office, accompanied by sufficient probative elements capable of holding up in a possible appeal to the administrative judiciary which could obviously be used by those who have diverging legitimate interests with respect to the exclusive line inspired by the principle of precaution.
The data is important: if **100 administrations have expressed doubts and opposition to 5G due to the precaution, only 13 instead are those where they are experimenting with approval and endorsement of risk-denial mayors, with “ both public and private projects (24% dedicated to public safety, 20% to issues related to smart cities) ” . Emblematic the numbers of the democratic detachment in progress, between **Comuni Stop 5G (100) and Comuni Pro 5G (13), highlighted in the double graphic of the Net.Consulting opposite to that for the moratorium diffused by the alliance.
One by one, here is the complete list of the top 100 Italian Municipalities officially Stop Densified 4G/5G , which now makes a real democracy problem of the dark side of Biga Data : the Government can no longer continue to ignore negative health consequences from wireless . For all of them, the appointment is then on January 25th 2020 to go down again in the squares, joining the first world event Stop 5G.
- Municipality of Alife (Caserta) APPROVED RESOLUTION
- Municipality of Arco (Trento) MOTION APPROVED
- Municipality of Amorosi (Benevento) RESOLVES APPROVED
- Municipality of Avolasca (Alessandria) RESOLVES APPROVED
- Municipality of Baceno (Verbania-Cusio-Ossola) RESOLVED APPROVED
- Municipality of Belluno AGENDA AGENDA APPROVED
- Municipality of Bologna AGENDA AGENDA APPROVED
- Municipality of Bronzolo (Bolzano) RESOLVED APPROVED
- Municipality of Calderara di Reno (Bologna) MOTION APPROVED
- Municipality of Camponogara (Venice) MOTION APPROVED
- Municipality of Capistrano (Vibo Valentia) MOTION APPROVED
- Municipality of Capriati in Volturno (Caserta) APPROVED RESOLUTION
- Municipality of Cassano delle Murge (Bari) RESOLUTION AND APPROVED MOTION
- Municipality of Castano Primo (Milan) RESOLVES APPROVED
- Municipality of Castello D’Agogna (Pavia) RESOLUTION APPROVED
- Municipality of Catania MOTION APPROVED
- Municipality of Cinto Euganeo (Padua) APPROVED RESOLUTION
- Municipality of Città di Castello (Perugia) MOTION APPROVED
- Municipality of Città S. Angelo (Pescara) APPROVED REGULATION VARIANT
- Municipality of Cervaro (Frosinone) APPROVED RESOLUTION
- Municipality of Conca Casale (Isernia) MOTION APPROVED
- Municipality of Durazzano (Benevento) MOTION APPROVED
- Municipality of Egna (Bolzano) MOTION APPROVED
- Municipality of Finale Ligure (Savona) RESOLVED APPROVED
- Municipality of Filacciano (Rome) RESOLVES APPROVED
- Municipality of Florence MOTION APPROVED
- Municipality of Fonte Nuova (Rome) MOTION APPROVED
- Municipality of Fresagrandinaria (Chieti) MOTION APPROVED
- Municipality of Gallo Matese (Caserta) APPROVED RESOLUTION
- Municipality of Gambugliano (Vicenza) MOTION APPROVED
- Municipality of Giussago (Pavia) MOTION APPROVED
- Municipality of Introdacqua (L’Aquila) AGENDA AGREED
- Municipality of Isasca (Cuneo) AGREED AGENDA
- Municipality of Ladispoli (Rome) MOTION APPROVED
- Municipality of Loiano (Bologna) AGENDA AGENDA APPROVED
- Municipality of Lonigo (Vicenza) AGENDA AGREED
- Municipality of Laghi (Vicenza) RESOLVES APPROVED
- Municipality of Lauco (Udine) RESOLVES APPROVED
- Municipality of Malles Venosta (Bolzano) MOTION APPROVED
- Municipality of Marigliano (Naples) MOTION APPROVED
- Municipality of Modugno (Bari) RESOLVES APPROVED
- Municipality of Mola di Bari (Bari) TECHNICAL SUSPENSION
- Municipality of Mongrando (Biella) AGENDA
- Municipality of Mountain (Bolzano) MOTION APPROVED
- Municipality of Montegallo (Ascoli Piceno) MOTION APPROVED
- Municipality of Montesilvano (Pescara) APPROVED REGULATION VARIANT
- Municipality of Monticelli Pavese (Pavia) RESOLVED APPROVED
- Municipality of Monte San Pietro (Bologna) MOTION APPROVED
- Municipality of Montesilvano (Pescara) MOTION APPROVED
- Municipality of Montemarzino (Alessandria) RESOLVES APPROVED
- Municipality of Noli (Savona) RESOLVES APPROVED
- Municipality of Noragugume (Nuoro) RESOLVED APPROVED
- Municipality of Palmi (Reggio di Calabria) APPROVED REGULATION
- Municipality of Pontestura (Alessandria) RESOLVES APPROVED
- Municipality of Prata Sannita (Caserta) RESOLUTION APPROVED
- Municipality of Policoro (Matera) MOTION APPROVED
- Municipality of Quarto (Naples) MOTION APPROVED
- Municipality of Raviscanina (Caserta) APPROVED RESOLUTION
- Municipality of Riccione (Rimini) MOTION APPROVED
- Municipality of Robecchetto con Induno (Milan) RESOLVED APPROVED
- Municipality of Rocca di Papa (Rome) RESOLVED APPROVED
- Municipality of Rome Capital MOTION APPROVED
- Municipality of Sambuco (Cuneo) RESOLVES APPROVED
- Municipality of San Gregorio Matese (Caserta) FORBIDDEN INSTALLATION
- Municipality of San Potito Sannitico (Caserta) APPROVED RESOLUTION
- Municipality of San Salvatore Telesino (Benevento) APPROVED RESOLUTION
- Municipality of Sant’Angelo D’Alife (Caserta) MOTION APPROVED
- Municipality of Savignano Irpino (Avellino) RESOLVED APPROVED
- Municipality of Sesto Fiorentino (Florence) MOTION APPROVED
- Municipality of Solonghello (Alessandria) RESOLVES APPROVED
- Municipality of Sovizzo (Vicenza) MOTION APPROVED
- Municipality of Telese Terme (Benevento) RESOLVES APPROVED
- Municipality of Turin MOTION APPROVED
- Municipality of Torremaggiore (Foggia) MOTION APPROVED
- Municipality of Tortoreto (Teramo) AGENDA AGENDA APPROVED
- Municipality of Villafranca Padovana (Padua) APPROVED RESOLUTION
- Municipality of Villaromagnano (Alessandria) RESOLVES APPROVED
- Municipality of Baone (Padua) ORDER BY EMANATE
- Municipality of Caneva (Pordenone)
- Municipality of Caresana (Vercelli) ORDER BY EMANATE
- Municipality of Camponogara (Venice) ORDER BY EMANATE
- Municipality of Cogne (Aosta) ANNOUNCEMENT TO EMANATE
- Municipality of Castiglione Cosentino (Cosenza) ORDER BY EMANATE
- Municipality of Delia (Caltanissetta) ORDER ORDER
- Municipality of Dozza (Bologna) ORDER BY THE EMANATE
- Municipality of Longare (Vicenza) ORDER BY THE EMANATE
- Municipality of Lozzolo (Vercelli) ORDER BY EMANATE
- Municipality of Marsaglia (Cuneo) ORDER BY THE EMANATE
- Municipality of Montecorvino Pugliano (Salerno) ORDER BY EMANATE
- Municipality of Montegrotto Terme (Padua)
- Municipality of Perloz (Aosta) ORDER BY EMANATE
- Municipality of Quarto (Naples) ORDER BY EMANATE
- Municipality of Ricaldone (Alessandria) ORDER BY EMANATE
- Municipality of San Lazzaro di Savena (Bologna) ORDER BY THE EMANATE
- Municipality of Scanzano Jonico (Matera) ORDER ORDER
- Municipality of Torreglia (Padua) ORDER BY EMANATE
- Municipality of Tortoreto (Teramo) ORDER OF ISSUE